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Velho 13-05-2020, 02:16
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technical analysis and forex signals for GBP USD
waves in the same direction will tend toward equality SO GBPUSD WILL resume bearish wave to level 1.2130
Riding Wave C in a Zigzag
Trend continues till gives a reversal signal
on hourly chart the Last wave determine the end of the pattern and Consists of zigzag that generate sell GBPUSD forex signals
reversal candlestick pattern on daily chart is shooting star
The price behavior is the result of Environmental pattern
Current surrounding Repetitive pattern is zigzag Wave C = 1.618 Wave A
History Repeats Itself that the future is just a repetition of the past
The bearish movement from level 1.3510 to level 1.1410 appeared before on price chart at 19-6-2015 and followed with bullish movement equal the current bullish movement from level 1.2240 to 1.2520 that give forex trading signals to sell GBP USD and according to this movement GBP USD will decline to 1.0580
Also The bearish movement from level 1.2650 to level 1.2240 appeared before on price chart at 9-7-2018 and followed with bullish movement equal the current bullish movement from level 1.1410 to 1.2650 that give forex trading signals to sell GBP USD so the gbp usd will decline near to level 1.1970
surrounding Repetitive pattern before this movement expanded flat Wave C = 1.618 Wave A
We expect price will repeat the same movement again and gbp usd price will go down toward 1.1970
Maybe the correction equal only one wave of previous correction
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