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Velho 24-12-2015, 09:20
5starsforexltd 5starsforexltd encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Sep 2015
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito 5stars Forex Support

From the 5stars Forex Customer Service Department [CSD], we spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to deliver a great customer experience. And while it may not make us the most interesting conversationalist at the drinks party, it gives us a newfound respect to the companies and the customer and CSD teams makes the customer experience right.

Customer Service Department is one of the most important category in terms of the clients flow in 5stars Forex. This year alone the company has decided to spend 60% more than previous year. Increasingly company is discovering the value of having a distributed customer support team – from reduced turnover to improved customer satisfaction and 24/7 multi-channel support.

As we believe in companies of any size – small to global enterprise customer support has been the phenomenon part. And now, with the tremendous advances we have the best support team which is wide open 24/7. We knew, company with excellent customer service is more likely to get repeat business from customers. Consequently, the company will benefit with greater sales and profits. Contrarily, companies with poor customer service may lose customers, which will have a negative impact on business. It costs a lot more money for a company to acquire a customer than to retain them, due to advertising costs and the expense of sales calls. Therefore, the efforts that go into maintaining quality customer service can really pay dividends over time.

Loyal Customers, Successful Companies, so a customer service department has been the back bone for the success of the company. As the Forex broker we created a dream team of support so that they can handle our clients in professional way. We came to know that we have the best support team in Forex market which you will find the best way to solve your trading or any kind of problem regarding 5stars Forex

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