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Velho 24-07-2013, 14:05
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito Forex Optimum

[center]Forex Optimum is registered, licensed and regulated by the International Financial Services Authority (IFSA) of Saint Vincent and Greenades to provide Forex trading on and offline to institutional and retail investors.
Company was created in 2009 to become innovative and advanced online broker, offering clients the most modern and high-quality services, unique and the most favorable conditions for the partners of the company on the market.
Forex Optimum offer trading at Forex market with wide range of currency pairs, metals and CFDs on stock.

Reason why you should join us
- Minimum deposit 10 uSD
- Tightest spreads available
- Swap free accounts
- Attractive bonuses
- EAs allowed - we offer to download any Robot from our website

Every time depositing your account you get bonus as much as 25% from the amount of your deposit.
Bonus allowes you to increase the profitability of your trading using for the same initial investment.
Moreover in condition of active trading you will be able to cash out your bonus intoreal balance.

In order to create the most comfortable conditions for trading, two types of accounts were developed on the basis of the Metatrader 4 trading platform.

The minimum deposit makes only $10.
Bonus 25 % on every deposit.

The minimum starting deposit for trade on the account of Standard of only 300$.
Bonus 25 % on every deposit.
Unique bonus of loyalty - up to 26,8 % per annum paid monthly.
Possibility to increase the status of the account to the Premium and the VIP level and to receive additional free services.
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
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Velho 25-07-2013, 09:12
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Forex Optimum is registered, licensed and regulated by the International Financial Services Authority (IFSA) of Saint Vincent and Greenades to provide Forex trading on and offline to institutional and retail investors.
Company was created in 2009 to become innovative and advanced online broker, offering clients the most modern and high-quality services, unique and the most favorable conditions for the partners of the company on the market.
Forex Optimum offer trading at Forex market with wide range of currency pairs, metals and CFDs on stock.

Reason why you should join us
- Minimum deposit 10 uSD
- Tightest spreads available
- Swap free accounts
- Attractive bonuses
- EAs allowed - we offer to download any Robot from our website

Every time depositing your account you get bonus as much as 25% from the amount of your deposit.
Bonus allowes you to increase the profitability of your trading using for the same initial investment.
Moreover in condition of active trading you will be able to cash out your bonus intoreal balance.

In order to create the most comfortable conditions for trading, two types of accounts were developed on the basis of the Metatrader 4 trading platform.

The minimum deposit makes only $10.
Bonus 25 % on every deposit.

The minimum starting deposit for trade on the account of Standard of only 300$.
Bonus 25 % on every deposit.
Unique bonus of loyalty - up to 26,8 % per annum paid monthly.
Possibility to increase the status of the account to the Premium and the VIP level and to receive additional free services.
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 12-08-2013, 14:25
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Dear trader, we would like to pay your attention that since 1 August 2013 a maintenance of MetaTrader4 for PC of 500 build and earlier will be stopped.
This restriction does not apply to the mobile version of the terminal. We recommend you to upgrade your MetaTrader4 trading terminals to 509 build on page «For trader» or using the automatic update option LiveUpdate in the trading terminal.
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 04-09-2013, 10:08
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Dear customers!

We are pleased to announce the start of "The League of Robots" competition on September 1, 2013!

Set your automated trading system on the competition and get the real cash prizes and bonuses from the Forex Optimum company.

The results of the intermediate stages will be brought once a month, the first three positions will be awarded on every stage of the competition.

The main results of the competition will be brought after each quarter of the competition (every 3 months).

Show and prove that your system is better!

You can find the terms of the contest here: [url]http://forexoptimum.com/league[/url]

Get involved and Good luck!

The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 13-09-2013, 13:15
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Dear traders!

We are glad to inform you that from today Forex Optimum launched an advanced publication of analytical review!

Now you have more options to predict the movement of exchange rates on certain currency pairs, receiving fresh and timely analytical news to define your trade strategy for the desired period of time.

Wish you a good profit!
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 27-09-2013, 13:05
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Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito


Stay on top of world news and events with the Forex Optimum company!

We are glad to inform you that on our web site the Economic calendar now, which will

allow traders to predict and analyze the movement of exchange rates of currencies in the world!

It once again proves that the Forex Optimumis committed to providing some of the best and most competitive trading conditions for its traders in the global currency market.

Have a good trend!
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 04-10-2013, 12:58
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Dear traders!

We notify you that the Forex Optimum company stops work with payment system Liqpay
because it contradicts to the requirements of payment processing in our company.

In the future, for replenishments with bank cards we encourage you to use such
payment systems as PayOnline or Moneybookers.

Due to the fact that the payment system uses a large number of traders our company,

we decided not to limit the withdrawal to it in the near future.

Also, in the future, our clients can withdraw funds at any payment system,

regardless of whether that earlier trading account has been

credited with the payment system Liqpay.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that this situation will not

prevent you to replenish your trading account and withdraw the profits.
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 11-10-2013, 07:24
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Forex Optimum pleased to announce their traders of the beginning of the second stage of contest « League of Robots».
Do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate your robot and prove that you are the best on the Forex market!

The conditions of the contest can be found on our website in the section «League of Robots».

Trade and earn with Forex Optimum!
The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 06-11-2013, 07:49
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Interim results of phase 2 of the contest "The League of Robots" on 05.11.2013

Set your automated trading system on the competition and get the real cash prizes and bonuses from the Forex Optimum company.

Get involved and Good luck!

The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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Velho 25-11-2013, 14:10
Avatar de Forex Optimum
Forex Optimum Forex Optimum encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: Jul 2013
Mensagens: 0
Por Defeito

Interim results of phase 2 of the contest "The League of Robots" on 25.11.2013

Set your automated trading system on the competition and get the real cash prizes and bonuses from the Forex Optimum company.

Get involved and Good luck!

The official representative of a broker «Forex Optimum».
Início de Novo Tópico
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